Our Committee Members
Chairman | David Baillie
Vice Chairman | Scott Forrest
General Manager | Jock Finlayson - 07707 726296
Treasurer | David Baillie
Secretary | Scott Forrest - 07826 840020
Delegate | Rory Mutter - 07740 984321
Match Secretary | Scott Forrest - 07826 840020
Committee | Darrin Wright, George Addis, Dougie Wood, James Atherton, Dean McGinnie, Paul Leishman, Mark Stevens.
Management Team I Robbie Raeside I Ross Allum I Mitch Baldwin I Ewan Baillie I Sam McGuff (GK Coach)
Physio | Carolyn Scott & Neil MacLagan
Appointed Child Protection and Wellbeing Officer:- Scott Forrest E-Mail:- haws1975@aol.com Mobile:- 07826 840020
Kit Manager | Rory Mutter
Groundsmen | Dave Baillie, James Atherton, & Alan Walls
Honorary Vice President:- Bill Smith
Honorary Members:-
Stan Samsel, Stuart Black, Frankie Stewart, Charles Smith, Mark Stevens, Jock Adamson, Alan Walls, David Galloway,
Alec Hunter, Sam Gill, Willie Hall, John Healy, Mary Burns, Jim Stenhouse, Wullie Lawrie, Eddie Traynor & Alex Jarrett.
Honorary members (Deceased)
Alex Sawyers, Mick McKee, Jock Duffy, Jimmy Morrison (The Kitman), Sonny Gill.
International Caps
Jimmy Wright, Brian Ritchie, Bobby Wilson (Capt), Rab Duncan, Billy Spence, John Mitchell, Marc Graham and Roger Duffin.
The only Fife Junior team to win the quadruple in the same season.
The Fife League Championship, The Fife Cup, The Fife & Lothian's Cup and the Fife & Tayside Cup in the same year.
1995-96 season.
Haws Committee 1985